
Authentic Konkani Dishes from Coastal Karnataka


rice noodles

Shevai is a very popular dish among konkanis. It is also made in a lot of other communities. The basic ingredients will be the same, however the proportions vary. Since preparing this shevai is a time-consuming process, it is considered as a treat when prepared. At home we normally prepare this for breakfast in a large quantity and hence have it for lunch as well :) A special shevai-press is available just to make this shevai. However it can also be made with the normal chakli-press. But it requires a little more effort.



  • Rice - 3 cups
  • Boiled rice (Red/White) - 1 cup
  • Grated coconut - 1.5 cups
  • Salt to taste


  • Soak the rice (both the types) for about 4 hours
  • Now grind the rice with the grated coconut to a smooth paste (like dosa batter)
  • Steam this batter in little moulds like idlis. Infact, it can be cooked exactly like idlis.
  • Now grease the shevai-press and press the shevai when the batter is hot. If the batter gets cold, it becomes very hard to press.

This shevai is usually eaten with chutney or mango pickles. In this case, coconut oil is added to the shevai. If you have a sweet-tooth, shevai can also be had with goDa - rossu.

For the Rossu,


  • Coconut - 1
  • Jaggery
  • Cardamom powder


Make coconut milk with the cocnout by grinding it several times and straining. Add jaggery to taste and cardamom powder.

Preparation time: 30 minutes